The Board Chairman of Tongwei Group, Mr. Liu Hanyuan Had an Exclusive Interview with the President of Xinhua News Agency Sichuan Branch Office

The president of Xinhua News Agency Sichuan Branch Office Mr. Fang Fang, and their director of Economic Department Mr. Jiang Yi visited Tongwei and had an exclusive interview to Mr. Liu Hanyuan , the Board Chairman of Tongwei Group on July 28th, 2014.

Chariman Liu gave his opinion about the PV industry development and the current economic situation, he said that the solar energy is the most direct, economic, cleanest, greenest and sustainable ideal energy for human beings no matter evaluate it from its resource amount, conversation circle, conversation efficiency, developing requirement, environment influence or the mid-and-long term economic efficiency or stability.

According to the PV resource amount of our country, the PV power generation should not only cover 2% of the domestic electricity demand or 5% of the alternative new energy, but the main supporting energy of the special electric energy dissipation and the total energy consumption. View from the national security, the energy is the core resource element for the promotion of stable economic development. At the same time, we are facing the energy transportation risk from Malacca Strait and the bottleneck of global energy supply, so our government should jumpstart the domestic photovoltaic application market, speed up the building of photovoltaic power station, solve the bottleneck problem in the development of distributed photovoltaic power station construction as soon as possible, and truly let market mechanism play its decisive role in the allocation of resources, which will be conducive to accelerate the construction of our country economy, foster new economic growth point and ensure the security of energy supply of our country.

Chairman Liu concludes that speeding up the development of strategic emerging industry is very important for our country especially when we are facing the obvious downturn trend of current economy and the key time of “stable growth”, the government should encourage and lead the social capital and market competition in the right time and proper way, use their power and the objective demand of market and the basic inherent law to promote the rapid development of the industry.