Mr. Liu Hanyuan’s Life of Proposals

Liu Hanyuan

Born in 1964, Liu Hanyuan is graduated from EMBA program of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. As a Senior Engineer, he currently occupies the posts of Board Chairman of Tongwei Group, Standing Committee Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Standing Committee Member of the China Democratic National Construction Association (CDNCA) Central Committee, Executive Vice Chairman of China Feed Industry Association, and Executive Vice Chairman of New Energy Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Industry and Commerce.

Under the leadership of Mr. Liu Hanyuan, Tongwei Group - a technologically advanced private enterprise - focuses its core business on agriculture and new energy and continues its development blitz with real estate, pet food, construction, media, e-business and chemical industry. As the State key leading company in agricultural industrialization, the company operates nationwide as well as in Southeast Asia with over 130 branch/subsidiary companies and approximately 20,000 employees. Tongwei Co., Ltd. under Tongwei Group perseveres in feed and aquaculture business chain extension on its way to the world-class supplier of healthy and safe food. Meanwhile, Tongwei strives to strengthen its competitiveness through huge investment in polycrystalline silicon and solar PV industry toward the aim of becoming the world-class solar PV enterprise and clean energy company.

The company has received many honors and awards, including China’s Key Leading Enterprise in Agriculture Industrialization, China’s Famous Trademark, State-level Technology Center, and Top China Brand. Mr. Liu Hanyuan has also received almost 100 awards, including the National Advanced Worker of Agricultural Science and Technology, China’s Top 10 Private Entrepreneurs, Outstanding Worker of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Chinese Leaders with Wealth and Wisdom, Goodness prevails ·Charity Star, and Hong Kong Redbud Cup Outstanding Entrepreneur. Under the leadership of Mr. Liu Hanyuan, Tongwei Group attaches great importance to its social responsibility and has been actively involved in charity and public service establishments including the Siyuan Project to support the development of aquatic industry and local construction. The company also made great efforts to help the people in need, and to support China’s education and scientific research. Up to now, Tongwei’s total value of donation has exceeded ¥200 million RMB.

Performing duties with field investigations

While leading the company to gain continuing rise, Mr. Liu Hanyuan made in-depth analyses and researches on market, and extensively collected information based on the company’s actual needs. As the standing committee member of the CPPCC, he has been faithfully performing his duty by participating in the Two Sessions for 14 consecutive years with over 60 proposals and speeches for the CPPCC. Reflecting public views and concerns, many of his proposals actively affected the forming, unveiling and implementation of the country’s policies in socio economic area, and are published on the CPPCC Info Report and Dynamics of Political Participation, references sent to the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. In particular, the proposals of ’Developing Fishery Industry at the Three Gorges, Allocating Immigrants at the Reservoir Region’, ’Establishing Contra-flow Mechanism at Rural Areas, Improving Rural Financial System and Financial Service’, as well as the speech of ’Revitalizing the Economy by Tax Cut’, received recognition from Chairman Li Peng, and Chairman Jia Qinglin. Additionally, the proposals well received by the State’s related departments include: ’Breaking Monopoly and Introducing Competition to the Power Supply Industry’, ’Accelerating the Listing of Well-performing Companies for the Health of the Stock Market’, ’Incorporating Green Agriculture into China’s Agriculture Development Strategy’. The proposal of ’Establishing Feasible Standards and Norms for Road Construction and Traffic Management’ received The Excellent Proposal Award at the 9th CPPCC session. Since the participation of the 1st session of the 9th CPPCC in 1998, Mr. Liu Hanyuan made in-depth analyses and researches on market, and extensively collected information. As a successful entrepreneur with social responsibility, he has been faithfully performing his duty by participating in the Two Sessions with over 80 proposals and speeches including proposals on Grasping China’s Food Safety Situation as a Whole, Popularizing PV Power Generation against PM 2.5 Pollution, Strengthening Food Safety, as well as Adopting Effective Measures to Ensure Major Equipment Quality Safety.

In-depth analyses and researches

Chairman Liu’s proposal at the Two Sessions ’Assuring China’s food safety from an overall viewpoint’ received reply from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The minimum purchasing price of food and grain is an important means for the State to regulate market price, and the ’mind relief’ for farmers. An appropriate increase in food price helps protect and mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grains. Meanwhile, Chairman Liu hopes that the Chinese government should make effort to maintain a stabilized food price at a reasonable level, and give overall consideration – promoting agricultural development and farmers’ income, preventing inflation and affordability of urban and rural residents, as well as considering the impact of the international market. The National Development and Reform Commission officially replied and thanked Mr. Liu for his proposal. Giving consideration of the valuable suggestions in the proposal, the NDRC will make careful study with objective and scientific reasoning in accordance with the spirit of 2013 Document No. 1 from the Central Government, and incorporate them into the measures concerning China’s food safety.

Chairman Liu received official reply from the National Energy Administration about his Two Sessions proposal on ’Vigorously Promoting PV Generation against Nationwide PM 2.5 Pollution’. Chairman Liu stated, only by accelerating the transition of new energy production and utilization means, thoroughly altering the energy structure dominated by fossil fuel such as coal and oil, promoting new energy of solar and wind power, can the influence of PM 2.5 be effectively relieved and eliminated from the source, and the issue of China’s pollution and carbon emission be radically solved.

According to Mr. Liu, for all the effect of temporary shut-down of polluting companies by the State, the expedient measure cannot fundamentally change China’s eco-environment. New energy and renewable energy can not only solve and provide for the insufficient supply of China’s fossil fuel, but also improve China’s energy structure, guarantee energy safety, and can protect environment for sustainable development.

Specifically, Mr. Liu suggested the functional departments shall elaborate the On-grid Power Tariff Act, and release the approval and examination for grid connection of scaled PV plants, which will significantly promote PV power generation and energy production means transition. Meanwhile, PV power generation subsidy mode shall be further optimized, which enables the State to use limited financial fund for subsidy. Additionally, detailed rules and regulations for distributed PV power generation shall be unveiled as soon as possible. The German experience shall be drawn for reference that the self-use part of electricity could be covered in subsidy, and the standards can be executed according to on-grid power tariff.

Based on Mr. Liu’s proposal, the NEA made extensive research and discussion, and reported it to the NDRC. Combining opinions from the Finance Ministry, Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of PV Industry was issued by the State Department in July, 2013.

Focusing on national issues and people’s livelihood

March, 3 – 17, 2014, the 1st session of the 12th NPC and the 1st session of the 12th CPPCC was successfully held in Beijing. Standing committee member of the 11th CPPCC, board chairman of Tongwei Group attended the event, and made proposals on issues of ’China needs positive energy’; ’Accelerating the PV industry to ensure China’s energy and environmental safety’; ’Grasping the overall situation of China’s food safety’; ’Accelerating technical development for China’s agriculture’; ’College matriculation policy for migrant children with overall planning’; and ’Popularizing PV power generation to cope with nationwide PM2.5 pollution’.

Mr. Liu pointed out at his proposal, China has reached a key turning point where increasingly growing wealth and rapidly changing mentality coexists. With China’s impressive economic performance, there is however an absence of mainstream mentality and overall credibility in society, especially for the disadvantaged group. In this sense, China needs uprightness and positive energy to strengthen socialism core value system to enhance the people’s morality.

On the issue of energy and environment safety, Chairman Liu emphasized on the solution of developing and initiating domestic end market by constructing PV power stations for the leap-forward growth of China’s PV industry. Concerning food safety, Mr. Liu suggested grasping the overall situation of China’s food safety with three measures: 1. Reasonably rise the food price to avoid waste; 2. Accelerating the development of intensive, scaled and modern agriculture. 3. Further create sound international environment. According to Chairman Liu, China should guard its food safety with strong national defense in case of intentional containment from some major food traders in the world.