Chairman Liu inspects TW Hainan Area

May,14-15, Chairman Liu Hanyuan, President Yan Hu, and Marketing Director Wang Shangwen paid an inspection visit to Tongwei’s Hainan area and the local market, in company with General Manager of Hainan Area Yi Ganghui.

Chairman Liu visited the local fish pools and markets. He also visited Tongwei’s customers and discussed with them on current farming market, feed specification, product price, farming model, and benefits. The farmers and customers gave high credit to Tongwei’s product quality. Later, Chairman Liu visited Tongwei Tanniu paramilitary service center, listened to work report and talked with the exemplar users on promoting the local farming business with win-win cooperation.

May, 15, Chairman Liu visited Hainan Tongwei,and made an in-depth analysis and instructions on Hainan area’s operation strategy. He said, after completion of the newly-built livestock and poultry workshop, the system of production and quality control needs to be further dressed to launch the major products. To ensure farmers’ profits, the performance and structure of major products need to be optimized systematically according to plans. Tilapia feed has market superiority in performance and price. It is necessary o further determine the objective, integrate the market, and increase market shares. While controlling capital risks, we need to take into account of farmers’ benefits, and promote the win-win cooperation among farmers, dealers and the company to the maximum extent.