Xi’an Tongwei holds H1 analysis conference

July, 22, Xi’an Tongwei held H1 Shanxi Feed Industry Trend Analysis Conference, which focused on analyzing the current situation and pursuing a healthy development. Shanxi Feed Office Director Zhao Huiwen, deputy director Yang Fan, officials from Feed Industry Association, representatives of feed enterprises, as well as nearly 200 people attended the meeting. Xi’an Tongwei’s general manager Mao Yongjun addressed the conference.

During the conference, Mr. Yang reported China’s feed quality supervision situation of the first half year, and the production certificate inspection by the Ministry of Agriculture. Xi’an Tongwei, along with other 9 companies, exchanged ideas and experience. The company mainly introduced its paramilitary on-site management, as well as its efforts and achievements in ensuring product safety.

Finally, Mr. Zhao addressed a speech, and made requirements for the company to strengthen its feed safety management for a healthy and rapid development.

After the conference, participants visited Xi’an Tongwei and gave high credit to Tongwei’s paramilitary management and on-sight management. Officials of feed offices accredited Tongwei as the industry leader and the exemplar for other companies.