Xinjiang Fukang Municipal Committee visits Tongwei

July 1st and 2nd, the Standing Committee member of Fukang Municipal Committee Zhu Shengchun and delegation paid a visit to Tongwei’s headquarters and Yongxiang Poly-Silicon, and received warm welcome from Chairman Liu Hanyuan, Executive Vice President Zhuo Yujiao and Yongxiang’s general manager Feng Dezhi.

Accompanied by Mr. Feng, Mr. Zhu visited the 1st phase poly-silicon project’s production site, and had a discussion with Yongxiang’s employees on July 1st. After listening to the briefing on Yongxiang’s history and future development, Mr. Zhu introduced Fukang’s advantages in policy, natural resources and location. He hoped that Yongxiang could invest in Fukang for its economic and social benefits.

The next day, Mr. Zhu visited Tongwei’s headquarters and gave high credit to Tongwei’s development progress and its clear strategic layout. During discussion, Ms. Zhuo presented to the guests Tongwei’s current development status in agriculture and new energy, and further analyzed the industry chain and developing trend of poly-silicon. She said, Yongxiang poly-silicon had made a miracle in the sector. miracle. The company would continue to make every effort to become the world-class poly-silicon producer and clean energy enterprise.